Oh, the guest room. This room has been a roller coaster ride. It started out as the most disgusting, hateful room in the house. Just look at this icky mess:
I love how the paint would come off when you touched it. |
The chair rail really...well..yeah it needed to go. |
This room was dusty, gross, and damaged. And if you look closely,
you can totally see the original hall bath. *shudders* |
At this point, the room gave me migraines. I mean,
what a mess. |
It's amazing what cheap paint and carpeting can do. |
It still was a mess though, because it quickly became the "I don't know where this goes, let's just put it in the guest room" place when we moved in, see?
Yup. This happened. |
And it was a big deal when this happened - because this was "organized". |
And then it became semi-functional/ "my" room:
Look - a work space! And yeah, Molly's hanging out in her wedding dress. |
And it could actually function as a guest bedroom. Fancy that. |
Even hanging sheer "curtains" in place of doors
was a big step for us. |
Here you can see the only storage closet in
the entire house. Not even kidding. |
So the room stayed like that for about a year. And then I got fed up because it always felt crowded and unorganized and not at all like a guest room. So we rearranged the furniture and moved the desk down into the now-finished basement.
Now it really felt like a guest room. |
But man, this room is small and awkward shaped. |
So then we finished our bedroom, and our bathroom, and my little sister was coming to visit, so I thought we ought to really finish this room. Aka - repaint, do the trim, and put up real window treatments.
But Vanessa, you say,
There are no window treatments in this room. Oh, that's because I refused to allow photos taken of the TOWELS that got shoved into the crack above the window to keep things private. Sometimes I feel like we fit in
too well to this neighborhood...
Elephant Grey paint, new curtains... |
How cute is this room now? |
It's definitely girly. I mean, there's 3 Audrey photos in here,
and it's purple. But I like it. |
Oh, and check out those REAL doors. Win. |
And you can't see, but that closet is totally and legitimately
organized. I am on top of it. |
So now it's one of my favorite rooms in the house. It's always neat and tidy, now that we've finally gone through all the crap - I mean, valuable garage sale items, that used to take up so much space, and painted and finished the room.
I no longer find this room hateful - thank goodness!
Vanessa and Stephen