Monday, May 16, 2011

Destination Mondays #2

In our continuing feature (and don't forget to check out the links in gold)...

...Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Now. If I had to choose one vacation that I'd been on as my favorite...hands down, Vancouver, Canada wins. There's no competition. Especially with scenery like this:

Photograph 2010: from 99 Hwy. 

North on 99 Hwy to Whistler
- a drive I cannot recommend enough.

and this:

Lions Gate Bridge

I's hard to say 'no' right? Well if that's not enough to convince you...

...You might like the Capilano Suspension Bridge, shopping at the ethnic vendors and quaint shops in the Lonsdale Quay Market (which is also a hotel we highly recommend), or driving/walking/biking through Stanley Park where you can see Totem Poles or have tea. Or, if you want to see it all at once, try the Vancouver Lookout.

Photograph 2010: North Vancouver and the Lonsdale Quay
 from Stanley Park

Totems in Stanley Park.

As far as dining...the one restaurant you cannot miss is the Water St. Cafe, located in beautiful, historic Gastown. The seafood is superb, and the view is inimitable. 

The Gastown Steam Clock - the only  Steam Clock in the world.
(And, it's just across the street from the Water Street Cafe) 

The Water Street Cafe
Gastown. It's pretty
(you just probably don't want to hang out there late at night).

Stephen and I went to Vancouver, British Columbia on an extreme budget, with virtually no planning. We just showed up, walked around, asked the concierge for suggestions, and did the "free" stuff (like driving through Stanley Park and up to Whistler on 99 hwy). We definitely recommend this method of travel - but if your budget is a bit more, there are countless more things to experience in Vancouver. It's our #1 travel destination recommendation.

Oh, yeah. This is the "Scenic Point" on the drive to Whistler.
You're going to want to stop and see it.

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