Sunday, May 29, 2011

Destination Monday #4

It would be silly for us to give you (our devoted readers) places to visit without recommending our hometown of...

Parkville, Missouri...

Located about 15 miles North of Downtown, Kansas City. 

In the shadow of Park University is downtown Parkville - a great little shopping/strolling area. A lot of the buildings are old and refurbished, and some are even houses (like the B&B on Main Street). You can just park your car near English Landing Park, and walk the streets. There you'll find (my favorite tea shop) Shabby Hattie'sStone Canyon PizzaMini-Golf (my former place of employment), and the Parkville Coffeehouse, along with loads of other shops (like a science store and an antique mall) and little restaurants.

If you head up 9 Hwy, you'll pass the Parkville Nature Sanctuary (a great place to hike - there's a lot of great scenery like an old building and a waterfall), and you'll come to another shopping center. Located there (along with the library) are a lot of great restaurants like Nick and Jake'sAgave, and Cupini's.

Parkville's especially great during the 4th of July, Christmas on the River, and Parkville Days (a weekend devoted to celebrating the town, naturally), when they have fairs (including a ferris wheel and the ever-popular Aladdin) and fun booths and music.

Ironically, even though I've lived here for almost 18 years, I have no good pictures of Parkville. Typical. If I get some this summer I'll be sure to add them to this post later. If you don't already live here, you should come visit!

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